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PicayuneFarrago's News

Posted by PicayuneFarrago - November 17th, 2020

I am quite disappointed in the outcome.

And the whole arc really, I mean... it's just lame to me, I guess. Unlike Book 3 which worked ok but I felt would probably be better in a full Fire Emblem game, this one I don't think would work much at all...

All of the dream-ceptions got both confusing and tiring. There was info I would have liked to know more. Like how Alfonse and Bruno met? Way more interested in that than whatever happens to these damn butterfly people. Hey remember that curse? Yeah I don't blame you.

I don't like how in this book and the last, the main antagonists get killed. I mean in a regular Fire Emblem game yeah it makes sense they gotta die, but in this game? They are killing concepts, gods basically. Like Hel was basically the Grim Reaper, she is death, and they just kill her. Chapter 11 implies there might be actual consequences to this, cause yeah why wouldn't there be consequences to killing Death. But no it's a lie, apparently. And they kill the nightmare butterflies, one of whom is Peony's sister, I remember someone saying that wouldn't happen because of that and yet here we are. Also the king of dreams is apparently dead. So like, are dreams cancelled too? Who even knows.

I was extra disappointed after finding this out because not only could that have been something to lead up to the next book but it hinted at more lore. Not that I wanted Alfonse to be dead, just wanted a risk, I guess?

Honestly I think the only things that didn't disappoint me was that we got some good refreshers and eventually 2 new beast units out of it, and Kiran is something of a unit now. Other than that I am so dejected about this book. Also I don't like the implication that lewd dreams are inherently nightmares.

What I hope for the next book: cool it on the new characters and focus on the ones we already have, like why are these gods messing with our heroes, doing all these events, like what is Thorr about, also please continue Book 1 for pete's sake, add a free summon counter to event banners please and thanks. (- 3-)/ ~ <3


Posted by PicayuneFarrago - November 2nd, 2020

Guys, there's so much stuff there. I haven't seen it this big in a while.

Movies that need saving, movies that need blamming, and movies that could go either way. Games, too. I can't be the only one stalking Under Judgement!! I didn't even find anything stolen there today (to my knowledge). Plus, a movie that's Under Judgement is actually featured. So, uh yeah. Definitely needs some more voters.

In the meantime, I'll go stalk the Art Portal for improper content ratings.


Posted by PicayuneFarrago - October 30th, 2020


In my opinion, it is a travesty how difficult it is to find these discussion points written down anywhere. Even in the sex-positive cultures of the furry fandom, even in the Porn Industry, one must dig to find an intersecting point of sexual content and purpose… and maybe even providence. In this post, I'm going to do just that. I'm going to talk to you about what I think pornography and/or sexual art is, and how yours truly, despite his 29 years of church attendance, found himself morally obligated to create sexy art of animal people.

It's a very engaging article, on a topic I think people don't talk about enough.


Posted by PicayuneFarrago - October 22nd, 2020


"Many things appear sensible in speculation, which are afterwards found to be impracticable. And since the execution of any thing is that which is to complete and finish its very existence, what raw counsel!ors [sic] are those who advise, what precipitate politicians those who proceed to the management of things in their nature incapable of answering their own expectations, or their promises to others. At the same time, the fable teaches us, not to expose ourselves in any of our little coffeehouse committees, by determining what should be done upon every occurrence of mal-administration, when we have neither commission nor power to execute it. He that upon such occasions, adjudges, as a preservative for the state, that this or that should be applied to the neck of those who have been enemies to it, will appear full as ridiculous as the Mouse in the fable, when the question is asked, who shall put it there? In reality, we do but expose ourselves to the hatred of some, and the contempt of others, when we inadvertently utter our impracticable speculations, in respect of the public, either in private company, or authorised [sic] assemblies."

Basically, people nowadays just say things they think should be done, but don't expect any of them to do anything. Heck, don't even expect a call to action. Just complaining. Endless accusations and problems, but no action.

Social media is a big contributing factor to this. You can just say whatever you want, maybe someone will agree with you, and there's where it ends. What are you going to do about it? Nothing, most likely.

Because most people don't have the power to execute. And that's true, but more importantly is not having the commission to do it. How many of these righteous people do you see applying for positions of power? Trying to get their role in life up, to get into the place you need to be to make change? I'm going to bet very few, if any. And I don't believe it's impossible, I think that these people expect others to do it, and when everyone believes that, nobody is going to do it. And it's not a good attitude to have, making all these big claims about what should be done, but not contributing yourself.

I would like to be able to contribute to causes I care about, such as the environment, and I don't need to spout my opinions all over Twitter to do that. All I need to do is do it. I don't talk about such topics often online and it's because I think they belong in the real world where changes will really happen.

(please give some indication if you saw this.)



Posted by PicayuneFarrago - October 17th, 2020

  • So lately I haven't been feeling very well. I suppose it would be depression, though I would describe how I've been feeling more like emptiness than anything else. It's as difficult as ever to get out of bed, eat, or brush my teeth. I just have no motivation. I had a job interview but they refused me, even though I actually had job experience, and I tried to give a good first impression, but I guess it wasn't enough.
  • I guess I've also been feeling lonely. I haven't talked to people very much, forum notwithstanding. I don't think I really clique with that part of Newgrounds. Then again I've never really felt like I fit in anywhere. I really don't know where I belong. It's like I want people to be able to talk to but I also don't want to be around people, it's so weird.
  • I've been thinking about not posting my art online anymore, cause most people likely don't share my interests, and really, I just haven't been drawing much, despite the high amount of ideas and sketches I have stored. Plus I've already been steadily lowering my media presence over the years. Most accounts I still have are solely for favoriting things.



Posted by PicayuneFarrago - October 3rd, 2020

I'm genuinely surprised anyone would want to spend money on me...

thanks, whoever you are!


Posted by PicayuneFarrago - September 23rd, 2020

Nutaku has some duuuuummmbb ads

I play the games they publish, (most being guilty pleasure) and i can tell you those ads are stupidly exaggerated.

Like the one for Magicami (great game by the way) says stuff like "feed her your semen" and "unleash her demons". the first line is just kind of worded specifically to lead up to the next, and the second is kind of something that you want to actively avoid in the story >:/ going into it would be spoilers but demon = not a good.

And then there's one I saw for Crush Crush which had one of the Phone Fling images animated. Those are not animated in game

which begs the question how did they get them animated? And did the creators approve that ad? maybe i should ask them


Posted by PicayuneFarrago - August 26th, 2020


I tried to ask here but I guess it was kind of counterintuitive to ask this question on a forum. Maybe putting it in a news post might be a bit more successful.

I mean, I have a bit of a better understanding why it's addicting but I feel like I'm wasting too much time reloading for new topics and looking at the notifications. Since I am starting college again I don't want that to persist. So really if any one actually sees this and has some advice I'd appreciate it a lot.



Posted by PicayuneFarrago - August 20th, 2020

Look i'm not feeling too good right now. I'm super upset about this school assignment that was not well thought out. Plus my advisor has changed, so now that's a whole other issue of having to discuss my next semester classes, after it was all planned out with my previous advisor.

I have been having a very inconsistent sleep schedule and time, I haven't been moving much in general, and I've been having trouble finding a job again. I haven't even eaten today. My blood pressure is higher than it should be for someone my age.

Whenever I get miserable I go and do things that would just make me more upset, like reading comment sections or something. what's wrong with me?


Posted by PicayuneFarrago - August 14th, 2020


probably not cause as far as I know nobody viewed that journal



Looks like it's a Chinese CGI cartoon! this website says it's dubbed in mandarin but has an english script?


I also found a playlist of episodes, all in mandarin. So i wouldn't really be able to watch it.

I couldn't really find anymore info about it, other than the name Kungfu animation group.


This is their website. It showed up when i search dragon caslon on google, but the link lead to an error. So it's not on their website for some reason?

Anyway, about the game. It's likely not official or anything. They got the title messed up. Again, it did use assets from Maplestory, and that 4463 website is (was?) known to make a bunch of bootleg-esque games.

Still, if anyone else knows more about this series, please tell me! I really want to know now!
